If you are running version 2.2.2 of OpenTX and are running version 2.2V0018 of the SD contents, you may be seeing this warning “SD Card Warning Expected Ver: 2.2V0016”. The work around is to open the opentx.sdcard.version file in the root of your radio’s sd card and modify the version inside the text file to match the error. Updating your OpenTX radio firmware to 2.2.3 fixes this also.
Power on your radio.
Plug in your USB cable.
When your radio prompts you to select the USB option, select USB Storage (SD) and hit enter on your radio.
On your computer you will have two new removable drives show up. The drive letters will vary from computer to computer. In our example, F and E drive are now present.
The drive that we want should have contents similar to the following. In our example, E drive is one we want. We know this because it has a file called opentx.sdcard.version in the root of the drive.
Open the opentx.sdcard.version file by right clicking (1) and click open with (2).
If you do not see Notepad, click More apps.
Scroll down until you see Notepad, select it and click OK.
Notepad will open the file. Change the version number to 2.2V0016. And save it. Restart your radio.